How do I create an invoice?

How do I create an invoice?

  1. You can either go to Invoice module, then click on Invoices on the left menu or you can click on the QuickAdd menu and click on Invoice

  2. Once in the Create Invoice page, click to add a Customer if it does not exist, if the Customer records are there, the select.

  3. Then make sure Invoice Date (defaulted to current date) and Due Date are correct

  4. Move to the Item section where you can add Product and Service under Item, Description, input Unit Price and Quantity

  5. Please click Save after you have added all the items needed

  6. You can export to pdf, excel or you can send the invoice via email

  7. If you are getting paid via Bank Transfer/ACH or Credit Card then you need to set up the payments by clicking on the Connected Apps (Settings > Connect Apps)